Thursday, July 31, 2008

All crossed up

Not all the worthy bridge deals from the Las Vegas NABC were published. This one, from the second Friday Compact Knockout Teams, Bracket 7, is one of them (low cards, where immaterial, are approximate):

6 5
Q 2
A J 8 5 3
J 10 4 2
J 8 7 2 ---
A 9 8 K J 10 7 6 5
6 4 K Q 10 9
9 8 7 6 K 4 3
A K Q 10 9 4 3
4 3
7 2

At one table, South opened 1 and North bid 1NT. East overcalled 2, South rebid 3 and North bid 4.

West, Will Engel of Freeport IL, led the A and his partner, Mark Leonard of Ypsilanti MI, played the J. In their methods this asked for a diamond switch. Engel led a diamond, ducked in dummy and won by Leonard. He cashed his K and Engel eventually got his spade trick for down one.

In the replay at the other table, South, Ron Susi of Laurel MD, opened 2. This had the effect of keeping East out of the auction. When North--South got to 4, West chose a club for his opening lead. East correctly withheld his king and Susi won his queen. Susi now led the A K Q and put West in with a fourth round.

East--West cashed two rounds of hearts and led a third heart, ruffed by declarer. He led two more spades to produce this end position before playing to trick 10:

J 10
--- ---
--- ---
6 4 K Q
9 8 K 4
7 2

South played his last spade, pitched a diamond from dummy, and East was caught in a criss-cross squeeze.

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