Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The king's gambit, again

Playing online last night, I held: 8 6 A 9 6 4 J 9 3 A K 4 2.

I opened 1NT (showing 13-15 high-card points) and partner raised to 3NT. Okay, so I fudged one point, but I hated to pass with three quick tricks. 1 would be artificial and strong, and 1 would show four or more in our methods. In any event, we were in a normal spot with our combined 26 HCP:

K Q 4
Q 5
A 8 7 4
Q J 8 6
8 6
A 9 6 4
J 9 3
A K 5 2

West led the J. We had the points for game, but only seven tricks on top. I just stated that we were in a normal spot. At other tables, however, they may have opened 1, and received a more favorable lead when declared by North.

I covered with the K, East won the ace and returned the 7 to the 9, ducked. Now West cleared the spade suit with his 3, East playing the 5. It looked like West had five spades, so it wouldn't do any good to lead up to the Q. Even if West had the king, he'd win it and cash his spades. No, I had to look elsewhere for tricks.

I played a club to my hand and advanced the 3 to the 6, 7 and 10. East thought for about 10 seconds (a long time when playing online), and exited with a club. I now absolutely know the K is on my right. If she didn't have it, she would have fired a heart back like a shot.

I won the club in hand, and led another diamond. West played the 2. I played the ace from dummy and now waited for East to play. She followed with the 5!.

Here are all four hands:

K Q 4
Q 5
A 8 7 4
Q J 8 6
J 10 9 3 2 A 7 5
J 7 3 2 K 10 8
Q 6 2 K 10 5
4 10 8 7 4
8 6
A 9 6 4
J 9 3
A K 5 2

I cashed my clubs and exited with a diamond. East won the K, low from me, queen from West! East had only hearts left and led one. I played low and dummy's queen won the trick. I now made 3NT via four clubs, two diamonds, two hearts and one spade.

East could have foiled my good card reading by playing the K under the ace -- no endplay. Perhaps she didn't read my blog piece The king's gambit. I'm offering gratuitous drivel free advice, but they won't come read it. Just sayin'.

Making 3NT for a score of plus 400 was worth 5.58 IMPs --- down one would have been minus 4.34 IMPs.

There were 63 tables in play, and 59 of the North-South pairs played 3NT. About half of them made it (almost always by North), and about half didn't. You can see all the results, if you click here.

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