Monday, October 26, 2009

Bridge in the Wall Street Journal

There's a nice article on bridge in the Oct. 24 issue of the Wall Street Journal that you can read here. The piece includes two side bars.

The author, William McCall Smith begins:
"I am not sure if there are clinics that will help you get over bridge, but if there are not, then perhaps some enterprising entrepreneur will take up the idea."

Then he goes on to say:
"I feel it would not work. Addicts have to want to change, and most bridge players I know have no desire to do so."

One side bar was written by Juliet Chung. She mentions that Warren Buffet plays bridge. Here's part of the text:
"He (Buffett) says the skills the game teaches— making inferences and working well with a partner—are invaluable in broader life. "I really do recommend it to people," he says."

These are just some teaser quotes. Check out the article, if interested.

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