Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Above: This guy thinks he's No. 1.

For the last two years, Lucki Duck has had an NFL contest for bloggers. For winning the contest, I received a shirt from Mr. Duck (see photo above). He's a hard-core Houston Astros fan, and here's what he said:

"I have to admit I felt a little 'dirty' purchasing the Cardinals shirt . . . I had Ms. Duck de-louse me after handling the shirt and feel much better now."

Disrepecting my Cardinals, come on now!

Thanks to LD for running a fun contest and letting me show why I'm the MOJO man.


  1. Coach sent me an e-mail saying he couldn't leave a comment. Anyone else have problems? If so, leave a comment, ha.

  2. If the T-shirt fits, you're a lucky duck. Or cardinal. Whatever the case may be!

  3. Huston Astros

    I think they were the original Team in a Can

  4. i thought it was to b an NFL team shirt?

    1. It was anger, but MOJO won one of those last year, so I thought he might want something different. Be glad to do the same for you when you win for the second time :)

  5. Card(inal)s. Just makes sense.

  6. Shirt looks "okay," but you might want to hire a new model :)

    Congrats MOJO.

    Go Astros!

  7. You are a card! Still hanging out in Florida?

  8. Hi Dave,

    Thanks for stopping by L & L Photography. Hope all goes well with you!
