Friday, November 14, 2008

Shananigans at the club

I have a standing date at the local bridge club for the second Thurday of each month with a lady named Dee. That was last night and the third board, I picked up:
9 6 2 6 4 3 A J 10 2 A 6 5.

My right-hand opponent opened a 15 to 17 high-card point 1NT. I passed and the guy on my left bid 4. a Texas transfer showing spades. RHO bid 4 and that ended the auction. What would you lead?

I don't like to plunk down aces, especially after the 1NT call on my right. I also hate to lead from three low cards (hearts). My partners know I try to lead from a holding I have values in. If I lead a heart and partner gets in, she will often return my suit expecting to win tricks there -- that is the last thing I want. So, I shrugged my shoulders and led the 6.

This was the deal:

A Q 8 7 5 2
9 6 3
J 9 7 4
9 6 2 J 4
6 4 3 J 9 8
A J 10 2 K Q 7 3
A 6 5 K 10 8 3
K 10
A K Q 10 7 5
8 5 4
Q 2

Declarer played low, partner the J and South the king. He proceeded to draw trumps, then played the A K Q. When they split, he had the first 12 tricks!

There were eight tables, 7 was top on a board. Guess what our score was?

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