Monday, April 20, 2009

Getting the word out

The US News and World Report is running a series on 50 ways to improve your life. Last December, there was an excellent article entitled "Learn to Play Bridge" as one in the series, and it's written by a guy named Mike Salmon. I've never heard of him, but if he's getting word out about bridge, he's probably pretty cool.

The piece mentions how bridge is good for exercising your brain. But it also points out that another biggie is meeting and interacting with people from the bridge subculture who have being pretty clever as a common denominator.

I can relate. No matter where I go, there is a bridge club, and a built-in introduction to some interesting people in whatever community that is. Yes, the Internet has shrunk our world, but there's still no substitute for face-to-face.

The article is short, so if you want to read it, just click here.

1 comment:

  1. "Yes, the Internet has shrunk our world, but there's still no substitute for face-to-face"

    Yup, totally agree on that one!

