Saturday, August 29, 2009


Above was taken with my phone on Sunday. You can see it was overcast.

Originally uploaded by dave1smith

The second shot was taken Saturday. The game started at 6 p.m., and there were shadows by then, so ignore that and look at the top part.


  1. Do you need to adjust the color? Mighty red.

  2. Great pic! Love the arch in the background!

  3. Great Cardinals Red shot. Thanks for your comments and I am glad you are enjoying our travel website ( We have new poeple of Morocco photos up today. Have fun at the game! I also signed up as a follower and look forward to more great shots.

  4. Lots of shadows in the shot, but it's a cell phone, so I snapped it.

    @Jusdealem: Yeah, the arch is pretty cool. I went to the top of it today and took some photos.

    @Julie: Thanks. Your travel photos are awesome. I'll be sure and check them out.

    @lightning: My sister is a Cubbies fan, but we made her go anyway. She was in Wriggley field last week, so I had to un-brainwash her.

  5. As American as apple pie - love the crowds, the atmosphere, the capacity stadium, the arch. A sunny afternoon in the Midwest and all is well.

  6. When it comes to the NL pennant I keep going back and forth between the Phillies and Cardinals.

    Slight edge to the Phils, I think. They have as close to an AL lineup as you can get in the NL and the addition of Cliff Lee was big.

    Of course, the Lidge Sucks factor could come into play here.

  7. Years after it was built, I did consulting work for the company that built the arch. An engineer told me a story: The top middle section was the last piece to go in. They tried to put it in place, but it was too small-gaps on either end. They angrily called the design engineer, who told them he designed it to fit at warmer, noontime temperature, when the two long vertical elements were expanded. They waited until noon to install the piece. It fit perfectly.

  8. That stadium was awesome! I took a very similar picture when I was there in June...of course it was a billion degrees and sunny when I was there. Ok, not quite a billion but 100 degrees was a bit warm for a guy from Minnesota. Nice shots!

  9. @Wolynski: Yep, hot dogs at the ballpark and all that.

    @FKCoolers: The Phillies have too much fire-power, but in a short series who knows?

    @dbCooper: yeah, nice place to watch a game. The old Busch Stadium was more sterile and cookie-cutter type.

    @Crash: interesting story. Even though I've been before, I went to the top again. Maybe I'll post a few shots.

    @OhCaptain: I tried to duplicate the amazing shot of the Gateway Arch that you took. Didn't work.
