Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall Sundays are made for football

Here are some (clickable) shots from the NFL game Sunday in Nashville:

Parking is a big problem. Unless you had a parking permit, you had to park on the other side of the river, then walk back over one of the bridges (see above). There are three of them (I took this from one, you can see another, and one is out of sight).

Everybody who thinks it's the Tennessee River, raise your hand. Wrong, it's the Cumberland River. You there who didn't raise your hand, yeah you. You cheated and used Google -- I know your type.

Good thing I have plenty of energy for an old fart guy and don't mind walking. Notice the guy above in the very front in the middle?

I chased after him and asked if I could take his photo. He stopped and posed, but didn't smile -- game face on and all that.

The owner of this tricked-out truck (above) must be another super fan.

Tailgating and drinking some beer are pre-game rituals.

Country singer Ronnie Milsap sang the national anthem. After that, two jets did a fly-by.

There was a 60% chance of rain. When I got there at 11:30, it was overcast and they already had the lights on -- uh oh, a bad sign. It didn't rain during the game, however, and, in fact, the sun came out briefly. Above you can see the lights and one side of the stadium. Look at the skyscrapers. Maybe a Bob Dylan album there, ya?

Images by MOJO, and all but the first one were taken with my Canon.


  1. I quite like these photos - can't tell the difference between the point-and-shoot and expensive camera, at least not in daylight.
    I prefer to shoot in overcast conditions - no harsh sunlight or shadows - the clouds act like a giant diffuser, making everything softer.
    Very good - improving all the time.

  2. (reference first shot)

    How disappointing. I had you figured for one of the modest vessels tied up on the levy as your transport mode de jure.

  3. @Wolynski: Thanks for your encouragement.

    @KenP: Actually, the spiffy-looking, expensive boat is mine. I just used the car thing to fend off jealous blog readers. Let's keep this a secret, okay?

  4. That painted fellow loves his Titans, doesn't he?? LOL Good job getting the shot! Love the flag photo.

    After walking across the bridge and into the stadium, I'm not sure I couldv'e made the climb to those go, Mojo! I'm impressed!

  5. All this time I thought Fall Sundays were for the rained out golfers to come back to the poker tables. I am clearly not as well rounded as you. :-) Great Pics.

  6. A wonderful series, MOJO! Every shot is colorful and full of interest. I think I was most taken, though, with the first photo which includes so much - the river, bridges, stadium...and has wonderful colors!

    Football fans are interesting creatures!

  7. Thanks to all who commented. Bob Dylan's 9th studio album was called "Nashville Skyline."

  8. I'm not in my sixties yet, but give me 5 minutes.
