Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Test your play #1

This deal is from the U.S. Team Trials in 1969. Let's see how you would fare.

7 6 5
7 6
10 9 8 7 6 5
A 2
A K 3
Q 3 2
K J 5 4 3

You open 2NT and partner raises to 3NT. West leads the Q and East unblocks the 10. Do you win it or duck?

If you duck, West can shift to a heart and attack that suit. Alternatively, West can shift to a club and attack your entry to dummy's diamonds.

Let's say you win and lead the Q, hoping for something good. West wins the A, East plays the 4. West now leads the J as East plays the deuce.

Do you win it or duck? Here are all four hands:

7 6 5
7 6
10 9 8 7 6 5
A 2
Q J 9 8 4 10 2
9 8 5 Q J 10 4 3 2
A J K 4
Q 10 9 8 7 6
A K 3
Q 3 2
K J 5 4 3

If you duck, West will continue and East can make the brilliant discard of the K, creating an entry to the West hand.

Do you notice anything? West must let East win the first diamond with the king and return his 2 to ensure the set.

Back to trick one: If declarer ducks the spade, wins the continuation and plays the Q, West can win the ace while East discards the king! (East can also discard the K on the third round of spades, but that's not as spectacular.)


  1. I ducked the spade and got hit in the head!

    You have a great sense of humor - pinto, indeed!

    More horses tomorrow!

  2. @Jacob: looking forward to more HATS.
