Jan Jansma (below) is from the Netherlands. The Dutch bridge teams have been getting stronger and stronger lately. I think it's possible they can win a world championship. Jansma has won the Spingold KO teams, the Von Zedtwitz Life Master Pairs and was second in the Vanderbilt. In world play, he is a World Bridge Federation World International Master.
Aleksander Dubinin (below) lives in Moscow, Russia, and, along with partner Andrew Gromov, has won the Spingold KO Teams (and was second once), the Mitchell Board-a-Match Teams (and was second once) and the Keohane North American Swiss Teams. The WBF ranks him as a World Life Master.
Eric Rodwell is on the short list of best players in the world. He's won 50 NABC titles. In world play, he's a won the Bermuda Bowl (five times), the Olympiad and the World Open Pairs. He is a WBF World Grand Master.
Images by MOJO and taken with my Canon. Sorry the first one is fuzzy.
Hi there Good Time Mojo! Re your comment on Ocala DP - Nope! Lowe's!