Friday, April 8, 2011

What's the rush?

The International Bridge Press Association has a monthly newsletter that includes interesting bridge deals such as this one.

J 9 5 4 2
6 5
6 3
K Q 8 5
A K Q 10 9 7
A 10 6 4
West North East South
4 Pass Pass 4
Pass 5 Pass 6
All Pass

When this deal was played at the club, Hasty Harry won the K and drew trumps with the A and J. He next ruffed dummy's low heart. Because of West's preempt, he played East for club length and led a club to the king -- the slam could no longer be made.

J 9 5 4 2
6 5
6 3
K Q 8 5
--- 6 3
K Q J 10 9 7 4 2 8 3
4 A J 10 9 8 7 5 2
J 9 7 3 2
A K Q 10 9 7
A 10 6 4

Careful Carol, also in 6, played the same to the first four tricks. "What could it hurt to play diamonds first?" she thought. East won the A and returned the jack -- West showed out!

CC counted East's hand as two spades, two hearts, eight diamonds and so could only have one club. She played the A, led low to the 8 and claimed.


  1. Maybe you should do some kind of online Bridge magazine delineating the kinds of things you do on this blog...I'd guess it would be most interesting for bridge players. Or you could gear it to the novice - "Hints and tips on how to win at Bridge," by Memphis Mojo!

  2. It's oh so easy to make the wrong assumptions early doors. Just a little more information can reap its rewards. So why not play diamonds first and get the important news about the club break. Nice instructive hand. HBJ

  3. how goes it. you will be happy to know that i have just started to learn bridge. i hope that in a year or so, i can add bridge as a regular hobby. we shall see. it will take time to learn it proficiently

  4. Thanks to all who commented.

    @Julie: bridge is complex, so don't give up too easily - it takes time.


    Off topic, but as promised. Her Sunday Stills comments and links lead to the informal group submitting.
