Friday, June 1, 2012

The deal shown above (click to enlarge) was from the Raleigh Regional Board-a-Match Team game. My partner was Cindy Bernstein and her 4 bid showed a diamond fit and suggested a lead. The opponents landed in 4 and I led my club. Cindy won and gave me a ruff. I exited with a diamond and declarer drew trumps and repeated the club finesse.

With all the side suits eliminated, declarer led a spade to dummy's king and Cindy? She smoothly dropped the Q. Declarer led another spade and I took two tricks for down one and a win on the board.

If Cindy had not played the queen, she would win the second round of spades and have to present declarer with a ruff and sluff which would give away the contract. Nice job, pard.

Cindy is playing in the Women's Team Trials the next few days to see who will represent the U.S. women in the World Mind Games later this summer in Lille, France. I hope Cindy's team has good mojo. You can follow all the results at the USBF web site here.


  1. That reminded me why bridge used to lead to all nighers every Friday in college. Ladies and gentlemen cutting others throats for fun.

    Fortunately, most bridge players are decorous which prevents actual blood. I do recall preempting a guy to prevent a grand and got chased across a parking lot by a sparkplug of an Italian.

    I'm not sure our gang would have fit in with yours. And, its too far to easily reach the parking lot in most facilities. We played on a card table in the john. Your sites are a bit nicer.

  2. That's a wonderful defense!

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