Thursday, October 11, 2012

They're alive

The above letter just arrived in my e-mail (click to enlarge if you can't read it) from Full Tilt Poker. I'm not sure whether to be happy or not. The letter tells me absolutely nothing. On the other hand, at least they're communicating which is more than can be said for the previous management.

Is it just me or did Howard Lederer get off easy in the interview he did? Yes, the interviewer was in a difficult position, but still. Why didn't he ask Lederer if he used Full Tilt money to buy himself houses and cars. Why does Lederer think it's okay to unilaterally loan a buddy $2 million? Is Lederer a natural-born DB or did he have to work at it?

So many questions.


  1. First to get one, eh?

    Mom (and maybe Howard) always liked you best. :)

    "Remission process" makes it sound like SDNY doesn't like any of us.

  2. @KenP: It's not like I had much money there (basically only played blogger tournaments), so I'm small potatoes. Surprised to hear anything, actually, but probably just a mass e-mailing.

  3. I got one too MOJO.

    According to an article I read (in Cardplayer I think), the following link will keep you up to date on the repayment process.

    Unfortunately, my roll there isn't "small potatoes."

    Ironic, huh?

  4. I didn't get an email! But six bucks may not make the cut-off.

  5. Natural born, I'd say. Such people seem to be in the majority these days!

    You may remember the MOJO Grill in downtown Ocala. It moved south of town for awhile and now is moving into a building that was, for many years, an Ocala icon. The building housed Carmichael's restaurant which closed for some reason.

    This is on the east side so a ways from us, but we're gonna try it out one of these days.

  6. Still have not received the email. I think I have a few hundo at Tilt but about 100,000 player points, I think.

  7. @lightning: have you changed your e-mail address? Maybe your spam filter got it?
