With one board to go, Mike the Moose and Pete Pelican were in the lead. They faced off against Wally the Walrus partnered with the Rueful Rabbit:
♠ A K 7
♥ A K 6 5
♦ A Q 2
♣ Q 7 3
♠ 9
♥ J 9 8 7 3 2
♦ 7 4
♣ A 8 6 5
West North East South
3♠ 3NT Pass 4♥
Pass 6♥ All Pass
Mike the Moose opened 3♠, Wally bid 3NT and it was up to the Rueful Rabbit. He decided to run to 4♥ because he was so weak. The Walrus raised to slam. Even with the RR at the helm, there must be a good play for it.
It was the last board of the session. The other animals crowded around to watch, and the excitement was high. If the Rueful Rabbit went down, the Moose and the Pelican would win the event.
The Moose led the ♣9, an obvious singleton. With the ♣K on his right, the Rueful Rabbit knew the contract was likely to fail.
"He has no chance," whispered Molly the Mule to Billy Beaver. "The diamond finesse works, but he has two sure club losers." Molly was known to be one of the best players in the club, after she saw all four hands, and she liked to show off her ability.
The RR played low and won his ace. With my luck, the trumps won't split thought the Rabbit. There was nothing he could do about that, so he led a heart to the board -- both opponents followed. The RR drew a second round of trumps, and the ♥Q dropped on his left. Was that the last one? The RR could never be sure, so he led a third round to his ♥J. He'd felt proud of himself that he'd made this advanced play -- he'd heard it called a lurker check.
His finesses never won, but the Rabbit had to try. He played a diamond to the queen -- it won! He played the ♦A and another, ruffing in hand. The Rabbit knew he would have to lead a club at some point, but he decided to wait. Sometimes, good things happened.
The RR led to the ♠A, played the ♠K and discarded one of his losing clubs. He continued with the ♠7 and trumped it.
When he looked down, he had pulled the wrong card! Instead of playing a heart, he had played another club! The Rabbit's ears turned red -- how humiliating. The Moose gave him a dirty look and led a spade. Here were all four hands:
♠ A K 7
♥ A K 6 5
♦ A Q 2
♣ Q 7 3
♠ Q J 10 8 5 3 2 ♠ 6 4
♥ Q 4 ♥ 10
♦ K 8 3 ♦ J 10 9 6 5
♣ 9 ♣ K J 10 4 2
♠ 9
♥ J 9 8 7 3 2
♦ 7 4
♣ A 8 6 5
The Rueful Rabbit ruffed in dummy and played his last club. He made his slam! The other animals were buzzing. The Moose and the Pelican had lost the tournament, and had sour looks on their faces.
Later the animals were discussing this hand. Hideous Hog was holding court, accompanied by a bottle of 1992 Pinot Grigio.
"Couldn't West have led from ♣K 10 9?" asked the Hog. "In any event, it can't cost to play the ♣Q at trick one.
"The Rabbit didn't bother doing that, but it worked out. Even when he pulls the wrong card, the bridge gods look out for him.
"This wine has a nice balance," said the Hog. "It's just corky enough and quite lively. Waiter! Another bottle."
I'm sure glad I wasn't there...of all the animals I'd make an ass of myself!