Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm two years old

Before May 13, 2008, I read other blogs, but didn't have one of my own. Smokee's was one of those I read, and he had set up a freeroll for poker bloggers. Hmm, I thought, start a blog and enter a tournament for free -- why not? I was such a noobie I didn't know how to contact him, but Katitude contacted him for me. I didn't know it then, but bloggers are friendly that way.

My first post was called At the Crossroads, and was a bridge deal. Since then I've written 317 blog pieces on poker and 230 on bridge. Bridge players don't leave comments very often and poker players do, so I've gone more that route -- it's rewarding to receive comment love. I'm guessing maybe 10 people will leave a comment on this one and perhaps one of them will be a bridge player -- not sure why that is.

Trivia: The first person to leave a comment was anonymous, but the second was Jordan of High on Poker and the third was CK of BWoP.

My statistics say this is post #688, which is nearly one per day -- my keyboard is smokin'. I thank all of you who come.


  1. Happy Birthday.

    If you want bridge comments on your blog, then my experience is that it is best to write about selecting your national team!

  2. Ahhh, the terrible 2s! Looking forward to you channeling your inner Helmuth for a year.

    BTW, I intend to learn bridge just as soon as they start spreading 1/2 NL cash games at the local casino. :-p

  3. Congrats on your blogaversary!

  4. Yeah! I'm a trivia question! Thanks Mojo and happy blog birthday. Now, would I be a jerk if I asked you to change my link to my .COM site instead of the Google Blogspot address?

  5. Well done. You add a good mood to everything.

  6. I always enjoy reading you Memphis. Keep up the great posts

  7. Congrats, Mojo! I really enjoy your blog and reading about your adventures.

  8. Happy Blogiversary!

    I'm honored to have been commenter #3. (3 is my favorite single digit number.)

  9. Maybe you should discuss why Bridge is better than Poker ;-)

  10. Better, I'd love to see a post on HOW TO PLAY BRIDGE... start with basics :-)

  11. Congrats, Mojo! :)
    Many more!

    Josie's Sis!

  12. hell he discusses bridge too much as it is :->

    Once tried to learn the game in high school but we could never get enough of the bridge players together in the same card sessions so they degenerated to pinochle or hearts and I never really learned.

  13. Congrats on 2 years. Can't believe your blog is younger than mine. You have so many more posts!

  14. Well, bridge players are more intelligent... they know not to waste time on blogging.

    Just kidding and congratulations.

  15. Mojo My Man - Two Years! Nice!

    I'm with the poker meister - how the hell do you play bridge?

    And what's up with that rabbit stuff?

    Here's to many more posts!

  16. Congrats double M!

    Keep taking this space to new levels as you have in the first two years, and I'm quite certain you'll keep on getting all that comment love as you do!


  17. Your bridge columns are very good; if they have no comments, that can always be because they make a point very clearly and there is little to add. The volume and quality of both extremely impressive, keep it up!

  18. Belated happy 2 years! I remain a loyal reader, even I sometimes slowplay with my comments.


  19. ha, late to the game as usual... happy bloggy birthday! Looks like you were way off with your comment prediction, but I'm thinking you aimed low to incite more comments.... :P
