Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conning a con man

Playing in the first session of the Flight Open at the Cromwell Regional, I picked up:
Q 7 6 5 K J 9 3 9 K J 8 4.

My right-hand opponent, Lloyd Arvedon, opened 1, LHO bid 1 and Arvedon rebid 1NT, ending the auction.

What would you lead? Often, declarer has a heart suit on this auction, but no other lead was appealing, so I led the 3.

K 8 4 3
Q 10 2
Q 8 5
7 3 2
Q 7 6 5
K J 9 3
9 <
K J 8 4

Arvedon played the 10, partner the 6 and he followed with the 4. He next played the 2 to the 8, 10 and my jack. Now what?

It looks like declarer has values in hearts and clubs and he bid diamonds, so I tried a low spade. This went: 3, 9 and jack. South continued with the 7 towards dummy. I won the king and it was time to think.

If South had the J, the A, the K and A-Q, that would be 14 high-card points and I would need to lead another spade to partner's A-10 to get a club through. That would let us win two spades, one heart, one diamond and two clubs to hold declarer to plus 90.

I can't tell you why, but the play of the club to the 10 at trick two just didn't feel right. I shifted to a club and this was the layout:

I've made that club play myself. When I was in the Army, we had an expression: You can't BS the BSer.


  1. You're right, buddy, you can't. And you were also correct when you recently pointed out that I haven't a clue about what you're otherwise illustrating. Still, I have complete faith. Is that wrong? ;-)

  2. Reading your bridge posts is like looking at a foreign language. lol

  3. I, also, admit to total ignorance at bridge....and poker and photography and sports, and.....
    But I sure like reading your blog!

  4. One of my friends years ago made this same play as Declarer, but the result was more humorous. The opponents' clubs were reversed, with AQ9x behind and KJ8x in front. The person with AQ9x decided to be tricky and, playing Declarer for KJ10, ducked the 10 to entice Declarer into leading clubs again!!!
